8. September 2024

Setting goals is important

Life without clear goals is like a ship without a compass, drifting aimlessly on the vast ocean. Without a clear idea of where we want to go in life and what we want to achieve, we often lose motivation and meaning for our existence. Setting life goals is therefore crucial to living a fulfilled and meaningful life. This article will discuss why it is important to set goals.

Pointing the way

The Chinese philosopher, mystic and religious teacher, Lao Tzu, once said: „Only those who know their goal will find the way“. In fact, life goals are meant to act as signposts in our lives and help us get a clear idea of where we want to go. Similar to a road map, they show us the way again and again and prevent us from getting lost in an endless labyrinth. With goals, we can direct our energy and time specifically to what is most important to us.

Motivation and drive

At the same time, goals – whether big or small – always serve as motivation and drive. They can be the incentive to always give our best every day. Those who have a concrete goal in mind and constantly evoke it increase their motivation to achieve it at some point, despite all possible obstacles, and to reward themselves with it. This anticipation can spur us on and gives us the necessary energy to take all the steps. Without clear goals, we could easily fall into the daily grind and move away from our dreams and ambitions.


At the same time, life goals are usually not only result-oriented, but also a means of self-development. Those who set goals always challenge themselves, may have to learn new skills or leave their comfort zone. You grow through the experiences you gain on your way to the goal. This process helps to strengthen self-confidence and create a sense of fulfilment.

Meaning and purpose

Life can be chaotic and unpredictable, but life goals give it meaning and purpose. When we know what we are committed to and what is important to us, we feel fulfilled and satisfied. Goals allow us to connect with our inner self and pursue our passion. They prevent us from losing ourselves in meaninglessness and give our lives a clear purpose.

Fulfilment and happiness

Ultimately, life goals lead to a more fulfilling and happier life. When we achieve our goals, we feel a deep sense of satisfaction and joy. This happiness is more sustainable than short-term pleasures and is based on our personal successes as well as achievements.

Overall, setting life goals is crucial for our personal growth, motivation and happiness. It enables us to consciously steer the course of our lives, realise our dreams and live a fulfilled life.

It is never too late to set goals and it is always worthwhile to follow the path that leads to a fulfilled and meaningful life!

Exemplary reference to the investment

In terms of investing, it makes sense to divide one’s financial goals into three different time periods, but also to include intermediate goals. A short-term goal, which should be achieved within the next twelve months, for example, could be to double the savings rate from the typical 10 to eventually 20 % of one’s total net income. Medium-term goals, on the other hand, should be set within three to five years. This could be, for example, to increase net income and 500 euros per month or to reach an invested capital of 100,000 euros. Long-term goals, on the other hand, should be set for ten to 30 years. This could be, for example, capital assets of one million euros by the age of 60 or even financial freedom.

Incidentally, the numbers cannot be too big, because then you step on the gas more and definitely achieve more in the end than if you had never set the bigger goal!

Letzte Aktualisierung am 3.09.2024 um 16:03 Uhr / Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API

Andreas Stegmüller

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